Tag Archives: Goodreads

SUCKER, FREE! (Get it?)



SUCKER LITERARY: an anthology, volume 2 is FREE today, tomorrow, and Friday on Amazon in the Kindle store. Click here now to get your FREE copy!

There’s no catch to this. . . now readers can get their hands on SUCKER and write reviews to  post on Amazon and Goodreads.

This FREE promotion is one of several that will be coming up over the next few weeks. We are an indie literary enterprise that relies on volunteers for staff members (there are currently over 25 of us!) and readers to help promote us. So we thank you in advance for your support!

SUCKER LITERARY is a platform for the emerging author of YA fiction, for the daring writer who wants to talk about the real deal of high school and teenage-hood.

Guest Post: From Allie B, On Self-Editing

­A Rookie’s Guide to Good Self-Editing

Editing is important. It goes hand in hand with writing and publishing. You can’t publish a story without editing it, and you can’t edit a story without writing it… Continue reading