Tag Archives: YALIT


Just want to share with our SUCKER fans and friends this beautiful review of volume 2 by Arianne St. Clare. 


So how long will this all take?

The question every submitting writer wants to ask the agents or editors who have their work.

At SUCKER LITERARY, we try to be very transparent about the submitting/responding process. So I will break down the steps for all of you who have submitted (and those of you who are just curious).

We are now entering our reading and critiquing period. This process is rolling. From the moment I received the first set of submissions on March 1 when we opened the doors of this reading period all the way through doors closing on May 1, I’ve been fielding submissions to our readers. So the responding process actually has been going on for some time. However, the getting of the actual YAY, NAY, or MAYBE to you all will take another several weeks to several months. This is because our staff of 25 readers must fill out feedback sheets, which include whether or not a piece should be accepted, rejected, or mentored. Then they send those back to me, and I read EVERY SINGLE one. How long does that take? Continue reading

The Story Behind The Story: Allie Brennan’s Dark Angel

About a year ago, I had just finished another book about an impossibly sexy angel guy and his weak (and clueless) human soul-mate. Now, I’m not saying I didn’t enjoy the book, but it made me think; what if the roles were reversed. What would happen if there was a strong kick-ass and sexy female angel and her weak and plain human lover boy. And to really twist it up, what if she was the bad guy? Or supposed to be the bad guy?

To get my novels straight in my head, I sometimes write short stories about them to work out voice, character traits, tone, etc. Well, that’s what I did here (minus lover boy), and I blew through this story so fast I barely breathed. I immediately fell in love with my feisty DARK ANGEL, Lucy, and her jerk of a brother, Damon. Continue reading

The Story Behind The Story: Hannah R. Goodman’s Miki and Dex

Hannah R. Goodman, author of “Miki & Dex” SUCKER LITERARY: an anthology (volume 2)

This is a story taken directly from an episode of the TV show that could be my teenage years: The Hannah Chronicles. It is highly fictionalized for your consumption because what really happened that night . . . well, let’s put it this way, there is a reason why I only write fiction and why I will NEVER write a memoir. Continue reading

The Story Behind The Story: Claudia Snow Classon’s Angels and Serendipity

Claudia Snow Classon, author of “Angels and Serendipity”

Last summer I learned that having a second story accepted by SUCKER entitles an author to a whole new level of editorial support. While most literary magazines merely offer a perfunctory assessment of one’s latest blood, sweat, and tears opus, SUCKER ups the ante by providing en suite one-on-one overnight collaboration. Continue reading

Story behind the story: Paul Heinz’s The Missing Ingredient

The story behind the story “The Missing Ingredient”


A transcription of a conversation with my therapist, July 2012

Therapist: So in summary, what you seem to be saying is that you’re still holding onto the humiliation you felt as a teenager.

Me:  Well, duh. Isn’t everyone? Continue reading

COVER OF VOLUME 2, part deux



Hello Sucker Fans and Friends!

We are hard at work on volume 2 of our literary journal, working through our copyedits as the new year approaches. We anticipate that this volume will be published in March 2013, available in both print and digital versions. It’s been a long journey to find these 9 suckerlicious short stories—we had hundreds of submissions, including an additional Open Door Day on October 1 that brought us another 50 or so. Now that we have found these suckerlicious delights, we are dying to share them with you all and are very excited and proud to publish such amazing work. Continue reading

Sucker Volume One! LIVE and in PRINT!

Wanted to share with you all some of the photos I took as I went through the publishing process of the print version of Sucker, volume one. Below is my original thought for the cover. But it looked kind of weird. Continue reading