Tag Archives: art

Awesome Stuff Happening at SUCKER LITERARY

We are currently responding to submissions, so check your inbox! Please be patient with us as we process the feedback sheets. Some folks will not receive feedback because their submission didn’t follow the guidelines. Specifically, they submitted a piece that is not YA. To us, YA is high school through the first year of college, maybe. Thanks to the flourishing New Adult genre, we do not need to include the college age through first few post-college years.

We are also having Joseph Lee, of Wolf&Fox Design Studio, redesign and relaunch our blogsite so that it is a REAL website. The mock-up is AMAZING and our fans and supporters will not be disappointed. Details, plus an interview with Joseph, are forthcoming.

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Fear & Expectations

*This blog was recently published on our founder’s blog. Here it is in its entirety.
A High Bar
When I started Sucker a little over a year ago, I had zero expectations and a glowing vision of what I wanted to do: Publish the best in edgy, emerging YA literary fiction and provide all submitters with feedback that would not crush their hearts. Creating a supportive environment, even among those we had to reject, was tantamount to the desire to publish stellar YA fiction. Continue reading

SUCKER, free (get it?)

from the editor

Why we are free.

Recently on Twitter we engaged in a brief discussion on how to get SUCKER more widely distributed, which also included getting it “live” in bookstores. In some private emails, the staff has offered some suggestions about how to make this happen.  All of the suggestions required funds. Yep, go ahead and try to think of a way to get us more widely distributed and I guarantee that when you get to the end of the thought, money will be involved. Continue reading

How you can help and other cool stuff


We want to address the question many of you have asked–how can YOU help us? As you know, SUCKER is a volunteer based magazine (with a budget of ZERO), and we rely on the help of others to make us grow. Continue reading

Cover Art Submissions

We are interested in submissions by artists for the design of our first cover. Continue reading